Fantastic massage, friendly people, very reasonable prices. Would definitely recommend!
Treatment by Tsundue
Suzanne•about 5 years ago
I really liked the place, the prices are extremely reasonable and the location is simple but clean and relaxing. I booked head, neck and shoulder massage due to neck pain and would have preferred a bit more neck focus. Range of movement in my neck was improved afterwards, so it was a success! Will go back.
Anonymous•about 5 years ago
Great experience..! Lovely place and staff,highly recommend.
Anonymous•about 5 years ago
Fantastische nek- schouder en rug massage gehad. Ik had de massage geboekt omdat ik al 3 dagen nekpijn had en daardoor mijn hoofd niet kon draaien. Na de massage was de pijn bijna weg en kon ik mijn hoofd weer draaien. De masseur was zeer professioneel. Hij wist precies wat hij deed en was erg gastvrij. Ik kreeg thee aangeboden. Ik kom zeker terug!