This was a fantastic experience that exceeded my expectations based on the already very positive reviews. Tomoko takes the time to assess how she can best cater to your needs and provides a tailored experience accordingly. I was very impressed by her techniques and she is clearly very knowledgeable and experienced. I felt so loose after a year of working from home related physical complaints. Highly recommend !
Treatment by Tomoko•Deep Tissue Massage
Kelly•almost 4 years ago
It was a very pleasant experience. Tomoko is very professional and she knows how to works on the right places. Very clean and relaxing environment, I will definitely go again.
Treatment by Tomoko•Reflexology
Anonymous•almost 4 years ago
Very professional and interesting session. Tokomo is a real expert and has so much knowledge to share! A very healing and relaxing experience.
Treatment by Tomoko•Reflexology
Anonymous•almost 4 years ago
Wow, nog nooit zo'n massage gehad! De massage werd helemaal op mij afgestemd, ze wist pijnlijke plekken te vinden waarvan ik zelf al niet eens meer door had dat die spieren niet zo strak hoorden te zitten. Echt ontzettend prettige ervaring, ik ga hier zeker vaker heen.
Treatment by Tomoko•Relaxing Massage
Maryse•almost 4 years ago
Such a great treatment - I felt like I was walking on air afterwards! Tomoko is an expert and her treatment is excellent. Thoroughly recommended!