This is no ordinary massage place. Nicolas has a Medical Degree and has spent years in China learning ancient Chinese techniques for healing the body which include acupuncture and Chinese massage. Every treatment addresses specific physical/emotional needs. If you are experiencing tiredness, back/shoulder/neck pain, stress, an hour with Nicolas will make a big difference. I have been coming regularly and every time I leave with a bounce in my step and full of energy. Treat yourself!
Treatment by Nicolás•Deep Tissue Massage
Ana•almost 3 years ago
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Fantastische ervaring bij De Eland Wellness House. Het huis zelf is een nette en schone omgeving. Ik heb een massage behandeling van Marilyn gekregen en ben hartstikke tevreden. Ze is fantastisch, leuk, gezellig en ook nog eens goed in haar vak! :) Ik bevel zeker om bij haar een behandeling te reserveren. Ik kom zeker nog een keer terug.
Quinten•almost 3 years ago
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I had a sublime experience with Marilyn and Nico. Both very professional with an eye for details. I felt so comfortable that I even fell asleep for how relaxing my massage was. I’ll definitely come back and recommend to give it a try if you have never been! 5 stars really do not give it justice!
Anonymous•almost 3 years ago
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I am feel amazing, Marilyn is really good, incredible! Precessional ❤️