wonderful as always. Faith always does a great job helping my body heal and become more fluid. She is skilled at body work!
Treatment by Faith•Deep Tissue Massage
Patrina•over 7 years ago
It's a really great massage, especially for people with problem areas like back problems.
Treatment by Faith•Deep Tissue Massage
Keti•over 7 years ago
as always it was lovely: a very relaxing and wholesome experience
Treatment by Faith•Face Massage
Roos•over 7 years ago
Aanrader! Faith is iemand bij wie je je snel op je gemak voelt. En ze weet precies die punten te vinden die het nodig hebben om aangepakt te worden. Ik ga zeker vaker.
Treatment by Faith•Cupping
Lesley•over 7 years ago
Faith is an excellent therapist. A real
Deep tissue massage with a proper consult prior and after. Massage excellent.