Heel goed geknipt, hij vraagt exact wat je wilt en denkt mee, hij is precies, rustige sfeer, erg ontspannen. Heel blij met het resultaat! Echt aan te raden!
Styled by Jinya•Ladies' Haircuts
Gaby•4 months ago
Jinya is very sweet and caring. His place is minimalist designed and soft ambience. His studio is in a building and you'll leave a chat on an ipad to let him know you've arrived Our chat was nice and his haircut is lovely, exactly what I want, no more no less - just right. Will be going again!!
Styled by Jinya•Ladies' Haircuts
Anh•5 months ago
Heerlijke hoofdmassage en goed geknipt.
Styled by Jinya•Ladies' Haircuts
Nienke•5 months ago
Jinya is a great hairdresser, he takes time to understand what you want. The hair massage is such a great addition to the treatment! Very happy with the result!