Goede prijs in verhouding met veel andere salons en erg goede snelle en zorgzame service. Voor een brazilian wax; pijnloos!
Emilie•over 8 years ago
Top bedrijf, hartstikke gelukkig de deur uit gegaan!
Maritza•over 8 years ago
Excellent. Real Brazilian Waxing in the center of Amsterdam. I will definitely become a "habituée"!
Anonymous•over 8 years ago
First time here getting a brazilian wax and would definitely come back here. She was very precise, quick and made sure every hair was gone. The price you pay is fair in comparison to the quality you get. Some salons in Amsterdam are very expensive for what you get but I felt I payed a fair price for the treatment.
Nur•over 8 years ago
So happy to have tried this waxing studio! Very friendly and pleasant girls. They were very professional and quick.