Super gestyled, zorgvuldig en precies! Loubna laat je direct thuisvoelen, ik kom zeker terug.
Styled by Loubna •Blow Dry
Eva•almost 2 years ago
Loubna is a lovely person! Very friendly, calming and generally just nice to be around. She speaks English very well too. You can just tell she is very skilled. I’m very happy with my cut, happiest I have been in some time. Thank you!! 😊
Styled by Loubna •Ladies' Haircut & Blow Dry
Amy•almost 2 years ago
A welcoming hairdresser very attentive to detail and giving good advice
Styled by Loubna •Hair colouring
Lae•almost 2 years ago
Lieve kapster, professionele wijze haar geknipt en geföhnd, kom zeker terug.
Styled by Loubna •Ladies' Haircut & Blow Dry
Anne D.•almost 2 years ago
Great experience. Highly recommend.
Little plus loubna speaks perfectly french for french speakers