Really nice massage, the salon is gorgeous and I felt very well taken care of the whole time.
Lymphatic Drainage
Anonymous•about 2 years ago
Veerle has a really sweet and calm personality and a lot of knowledge about skincare and the relation between nutrition & skin. She explained everything she was doing during the treatment, where it’s good for and what effects it would have. Overall very lovely experience!
E.H.•about 2 years ago
Wonderfully relaxing, calm environment, very clean and Veerle really knows about the balance of skin health and diet.
C.C.•about 2 years ago
It was wonderful! The massage was so relaxing and peaceful and it felt great.
S.F.•about 2 years ago
Ik doe de PRX kuur (5 behandelingen, 5 weken op rij) bij Veerle, een goede vriendin van mij! Zowel mn huid is na de eerste behandeling al zichtbaar en voelbaar verbeterd, ook was ik heel ontspannen dus het voelt als wellnesss en huidtherapie in één. Nog 4 sessies te gaan, benieuwd naar het eindresultaat!!