Hele vriendelijke vrouw. Fijne behandeling, deed amper pijn, heel netjes. Zeker aan te raden!
Robin•almost 9 years ago
Aardige vrouw die haar werkt goed en nauwkeurig doet!! Ze doet er alles aan zodat je lekker ligt etc.
rinke•almost 9 years ago
Het was een wonderbaarlijke ontmoeting. Dank je.
Anonymous•almost 9 years ago
It couldn't have asked for a better treatment! On arrival, she made me coffee and offered me some delicious home-made cake. We chatted a bit and then she started the treatment, which lasted for about an hour. I really appreciated the foot massage - it was a lovely surprise. The flamenco guitar music made the experience complete. Thank you! I will be back.
Nikolett•almost 9 years ago
I had a nice time here, especially with the massage, She did it very well and professional.