Heated bed!!!! Dana continues to provide incredible massage with the friendliest service. I am finally pain free!
Treatment by Dana•Swedish Massage
Janice•about 6 years ago
dana always gives the BEST massages! i LOVE them! everything about it is perfect - she's super welcoming, makes you feel relaxed from the minute you get there. her technique is fabulous and i would recommend her to anyone. on top of that, it's nice to support a small business too.
Treatment by Dana•Swedish Massage
Anonymous•about 6 years ago
Dana was great! She was very welcoming and made me feel comfortable from the get go. The massage itself was fantastic. Definitely recommend and will for sure be going back.
Treatment by Dana•Swedish Massage
Ben•about 6 years ago
Dana is a beautiful soul! She knows how to treat the body, her treatment was exceptional, you can sense her understanding and experience of what the person needs. I will be back! Thank you Dana!
Treatment by Dana•Swedish Massage
Albert Garcia•about 6 years ago
Heerlijke relaxte zwangerschapsmassage gehad. Dit was mijn eerste. Het was even wennen met mijn dikke buik in het kussen. Maar Dana stelde me heel erg gerust. Al snel kon ik het loslaten en er volgde een stevige, maar relaxte massage. Een uur was nog te kort :-)