Treatment by Cube+ (cabine 2)•Sunbeds and Tanning Booths
Anonymous•over 2 years ago
De dame die werkte had denk ik haar dag niet. Een welkom gevoel was er niet.
Treatment by cube+ (Cabine 1)•Sunbeds and Tanning Booths
Sabrina•over 2 years ago
Een prettige frisse salon
Treatment by Cube+ (cabine 2)•Sunbeds and Tanning Booths
Bastienne•over 2 years ago
The first 3 times I have allergic reactions, maybe from the cleaning product, I have some bumps really big on my back and head, luckily they were gone but you should consider to change the products and investigate what product could have those reactions in combination with the heat from the bed!
Treatment by cube+ (Cabine 1)•Sunbeds and Tanning Booths
Paulo•over 2 years ago
Werken altijd fijne mensen en het is er schoon. Aan te bevelen!
Treatment by iForce+ (Cabine 5)•Sunbeds and Tanning Booths