Vanina made me feel welcome.
She explained everything in advance and answered all my questions with ease. She handled me/my body skillfully and with respect. The tension in my shoulder and neck were almost fully relieved after the session.
I will come back for regular sessions
Treatment by Vanina•Deep Tissue Massage
Iona•7 months ago
Es mi lugar favorito. La massage fue muy buena. Vanina es muy professional y muy cariñosa.
Treatment by Vanina•Aromatherapy Massage
Linda•7 months ago
Vanina is amazing. It feels so nice to be in the hands of a professional. I felt a huge headache. And my whole neck felt stuck. But after a holistic treatment it went away. I felt so relaxed and felt literally like a huge burden and old energies were released from my body. She is a pro and also also very spiritual. Therapy, coaching and very good masseuse at once. I can really recommend her. Thank you Vanina
Treatment by Vanina•Therapeutic Massage
Mariela•7 months ago
Super relaxing massage, Thank you Vanina, you always know what to focus on and I got out of there lighter and reboosted.
Treatment by Vanina•Therapeutic Massage
Marie•7 months ago
Vanina geeft zeer krachtige en bijzondere massages. Pure therapie. Ik had de laatste weken last van schouders en nek en door holistische massage voel ik dat veel oude shit is losgelaten. Heel stevig en ze weet precies de plekken te vinden waar iets vastzit. Ze is super getalenteerd en professioneel. Heel bijzonder altijd deze sessies waarbij ze me ook altijd wat persoonlijke dingen teruggeeft die spot-on zijn. Ik zie er voor. mijn gevoel ook weer 5 jaar jonger uit. Aanrader.