I came to you with terrible backpain. You gave me a long massage inclusief neck and arms, and the result was very good. You are the best😄. Thank you so much🙏.
A.S.•over 2 years ago
I booked a very spontanious appointment easily on the website for 70min Swedish Classic. It was very good and i really felt a relaxation and lightness in my tight spots on the shoulders and back, that i got from traveling and gym.👌 Honestly if i'd known how good the technique of Rose is beforehand, i would've gone for the max. 110min. But maybe next time😅
My thanks to you Rose!
D.L.•over 2 years ago
Vanaf het moment dat ik Vital Stream binnenstapte, voelde ik de ontspannen sfeer. De praktijkruimte straalt rust uit en de massage was geweldig! Rossitza is hartelijk, zorgzaam en enorm vakkundig zodat ik na een uur volledig ontspannen weer naar buiten ging. Meteen een volgende behandeling geboekt.
E.S.•over 2 years ago
It was relaxing, professional, and lovely! Will be back for sure.
G.C.•over 2 years ago
I had sport massage of 30 min. Intense at the beginning and still relaxing at the end. Good specialist. Very delicate and attentive. Surely will come back.