Kom er al een tijdje voor al mijn beauty wensen. Heel handig dat alles in een kan. Altijd leuke sfeer, dames doen altijd hun uiterste best om je tevreden de deur uit te laten gaan. Je kan er eigenlijk vrijwel altijd direct terecht, zo niet zeker de dag erna. Overal parkeergelegenheden in het centrum rondom, en met ov ook goed te bereiken. Tot gauw weer. Groetjes Romy
Kleuren - volledigToon alles…
Romy•meer dan 2 jaar geleden
The colour of the root touchup was completely different to my ends. Not even close to what I asked for and a red I don't
like . No chart shown to confirm my colour choice. The dye was not washed out of my hair properly afterwards and it stained my white jacket and scarf. I had to pay more than was advertised as the grey was slightly longer than just the roots which is understandable but it was not discussed with me after the consultation. I was only given the higher amount when I had to pay.
Kleuren - uitgroei
Anoniem•meer dan 2 jaar geleden
Toon reactie salon...
Femia•meer dan 2 jaar geleden
The salon staff made me feel at home and gave in depth information about different procedures and products so I could decide what would be best for me. Very good manicure and nail repair, friendly and up beat staff who are quick but very precise and ensure quality in their service. Thank
You Silvana! Loved it and will be a regular from now on ☺️