I booked and payed in advance for a slot at 3pm. I waited for thirty minutes, without being offered a coffee, while people collected and stored luggage, and checked into some kind of accommodation in this small barbershop. When it was finally my turn to sit in the chair I had been waiting thirty minutes. I asked to cancel my haircut because I had been waiting for so long. I was told it was not possible to cancel it and that the booking time does not guarantee a seat at that time.
Mannen knippen
Chris•meer dan 5 jaar geleden
All good. Great experience.
Mannen knippen
Eduardo•meer dan 5 jaar geleden
Suffice to say that 2 colleagues asked me for the name of my barber. Very happy with the result.
Styling door Alessandro Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 24H, 1012 NH Amsterdam•Mannen knippen
Thibault•meer dan 5 jaar geleden
Styling door Alessandro Nieuwe Nieuwstraat 24H, 1012 NH Amsterdam•Baard trimmen en scheren