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48 reviews

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Geschreven door onze klanten, zodat je weet wat je kunt verwachten bij elke salon.
I have had a hard time with my toe nails, and always felt somehow anxious about them. They never have looked too great, but than comes the day I find this place and baduuum! Magic! Thanks guys, I finally got beautiful toe nails. I even bought today new OPEN sandals. Thank you!
OMG, my nails look so gorgeous! Great service, great quality, great people. :D I'm very impressed with the design the lady made for me, impressive work. Thanks a lot!
I loved so much the service here, thanks guys I have had an amazing day with my mom. I truly felt like a princess, taken care of and beautiful. Thanks a lot for the experience!
It was great ! Came here on a recommendation and it definitely did not dissapointed! The staff is very kind and talented
Top !!🔥 Definitely the best . Also got a free foot massage by Ezekiel . It was so relaxing 🤤