Excellent service and consultation, Michelle is so friendly & developed an amazing customized treatment plan!
Behandeling door Michelle Andrews•FotoFacial RF
Rosanne•7 maanden geleden
I had me second microneedling treatment at Glow and I am so happy with the results so far! I’ve noticed huge improvement in my skin firmness and elasticity and wrinkles and scars are almost gone. Also, Michelle’s products are game changers. This woman is a magician!
Behandeling door Michelle Andrews•
Anti-aging facialToon alles…
Rosanne•7 maanden geleden
Michelle is very experienced and very helpful. You can trust her suggestions blindly.
Behandeling door Michelle Andrews•Echotherapie
secil•7 maanden geleden
Michelle is the best! Ik was zo bij met mijn skinbooster treatment dat ik de behandeling ook voor mijn man had geboekt. Resultaat is direct zichtbaar en wordt alleen maar mooier!
Behandeling door Michelle Andrews•Anti-aging facial
Rosanne•7 maanden geleden
It was very relaxing and not painful, face is hydrated
Behandeling door Michelle Andrews•Facials / Gezichtsbehandelingen