--- Български --
Много съм доволен от услугите на Мария. Тя е много точна по отношение на часовете и никога не ми се е налагало да чакам. Тя има отлични познания в нейната сфера и знае и дава съвети отностно различни прически и продукти.
Относно продуктите, които тя използва, те са от високо качество и на изгодни цени. Също така труда, времето, старанието и професионализма на Мария оправдават цените с които Мария работи.
Аз съм клиент на Мария от дълго време и съм много доволен от нея, това може да се види и от факта, че аз пътувам повече от 20 км само, за да отида да се подстрижа при нея.
Мария също така е много общителна личност и може да се говори на всякакви теми с нея и всичко си остава конфиденциално.
Препоръчвам услугите на Мария на 100%
--- English ---
I am very pleased with Maria's services. It is very accurate in terms of hours and I never had to wait. She has excellent knowledge in her sphere and knows and gives advice on different haircut styles and products.
With regard to the products she uses, they are of high quality and at reasonable/acceptable prices. Also, Maria's labor, time, diligence and professionalism justify the prices with which Maria works.
I have been a client of Maria for a long time and I am very pleased with it, and you can see that based on that I travel more than 20 km only to go to her to cut my hair.
Maria is also has a very communicative personality, and you can talk about everything with her and everything remains confidential.
I recommend Maria's services at 100%
Styling door Maria
Ivan•bijna 6 jaar geleden
Toon reactie salon...
Maria is the best hairdresser I ever met. She is a professional,a lovely person and the products used have a very good quality. My whole family and I had a nice experience at Maria's salon. Not only because we had a fantastic haircut, but also because she gave us a lot of useful advises concerning hair care.
Styling door Maria
Anca•bijna 6 jaar geleden
Toon reactie salon...
Thank you Maria. I thoroughly enjoyed my treatment. Very relaxing experience and I loved the outcome. My hair looked so glossy.