For everyone who needs a good professional massage, Carolina is the one! She treat you with all good care. She has golden hands.
Behandeling door Carolina•Ontspanningsmassage
Remy•4 maanden geleden
It was perfect!
Behandeling door Carolina•Rug-, schouder- en nekmassage
PS•5 maanden geleden
Carolina is the best masseuse I ever had. I had a headache due to my neck and shoulder being to block and she did magic (actually better than my phisio).I would definitely recommend her.She is kind and professional and I am definitely going back!
Behandeling door Carolina•Rug-, schouder- en nekmassage
Audrey•5 maanden geleden
Behandeling door Carolina•Rug-, schouder- en nekmassage
Pinar•5 maanden geleden
Carolina is a very welcoming and nice girl who takes her job seriously and is really good at what she does! 10/10