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818 reviews

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Geverifieerde reviews

Geschreven door onze klanten, zodat je weet wat je kunt verwachten bij elke salon.
Everyone was very lovely and made me feel comfortable!
Was voor mij de eerste keer, ben zeer tevreden
great wax
Really love Unique waxing, they are so friendly, reassuring and kind and also a great wax! Highly recommend *****
As I travel a lot, I do a monthly HydraFacial, as the treatment suppose to be the same everywhere, and it is so hydrating, I love it. But this was NOT the HydraFacial that I know, it was a different(old?) type of machine. No hyaluronic acid, no glowy skin in the end. The therapist was nice, in-between she was brushing my face with a cotton pat with some tonic sprayed on it. Constantly asking me if this is what I want, which felt she wasn't knowledgeable. I left with a dryer skin than I arrived.