It’s the best way to start a day. Esther is an amazing specialist!
Behandeling door Esther Scheffer•Bindweefselmassage
Lily•6 maanden geleden
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Moira is de beste masseuse die ik ken. Sluit goed aan bij waar ik aan toe ben, gevoelig maar niet te soft.
Behandeling door Moira•Bindweefselmassage
Sanne•7 maanden geleden
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Behandeling door Esther Scheffer•Sportmassage
Sophie•7 maanden geleden
Loved this massage! Focused on acupressure points and felt amazing the next day. Much needed after hours on the computer working...thank you!!
Behandeling door Wouter Groen•Bindweefselmassage
Lindsay•8 maanden geleden
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Becky is a great masseuse
Highly recommended
This was one of the best sports massages I have gotten the road while traveling and Becky absolutely saved my back